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    I've read a story from English e-Reader. The story is about crime, for me it's little bit funny. I want to make a different ending from that story. Let's start!

Joey's Luck by John Escott

    The title of the story is "Joey's Luck" by John Escott. Level A2 Elementary. The story consisting of 7 pages with 1679 words. This is the link for the story "https://english-e-reader.net/book/joeys-luck-john-escott".
   Joey Kerrigan arrived in London in January 1912. He didn't have a place to stay. After he walked around the city, he found a cheap room and the landlord name was Webber. Webber wanted Joey to paid his room for two weeks at once, but he didn't have enough money. Joey always said "I'm a lucky person, I will get the money". On sunday, Joey walked around the city and took a bag from an old woman and pick a wallet from another people. Yes, Joey was a thief😆. After those, he did his cheating job everyday and he planned a big robbery on Goldman's shop. Theo Goldman was the owner of the shop, also he was Webber friend. On the night that Joey already planned, he went to Goldman's shop with his robbery tools, but Theo Goldman came in to his shop and he saw Joey. They had a fight each other. Shortly, Joey got Goldman's money and ran away from London to Southampton.
    On Wednesday 10th April 1912, Joey was in Southampton. He went to New York with the most biggest and fastest ship in the world. Yes, The Titanic (hahahahaha😂).


    Based on the story, Joey would die on The Titanic because that ship would sink. A different ending from me, Joey had one more luck but he would get another tragic ending and little bit plot twist😮. Let's start!

    On Wednesday 10th April 1912, Joey was in Southampton. He wanted to trip with The Titanic to New York, but Joey's money didn't enough for his trip, so Joey decided to stay in Southampton and he robbed more money again from shop. Joey's luck always with him because he heard a news about The Titanic was sunk and he said "Oh My God, I'm very lucky". On the next week, there was a man came to Joey's house. Joey opened his door and he met Webber. "Hello Mr. Webber, long time no see" Joey said, but Webber just smiled to Joey. Suddenly, Webber put his handcuffs to Joey's hand. "What are you doing?" Joey said. "I'm a police officer" Webber said. Joey was shocked. Webber was the landlord who gave a room for Joey in London, and Webber also a police officer. Joey didn't know Webber was a police officer. Yes, Joey's luck ended in jail.


That's enough for me, I hope you enjoy reading my blog.

